BetterMan: Calling Men into the Great Adventure

Why do men in your church matter so much? Last month, we wrote about the key role fathers play in shaping flourishing marriages, families, and communities. We also shared some alarming findings from Communio’s Nationwide Study on Faith and Relationships that confirm what many already know despite what the prevailing culture says. There is a real and felt crisis among men today. If you wonder whether the “crisis” language is hyperbolic, recent data from Barna Group tells us that:

  • The identities of men are built around shallow values.
  • Men are suffering from loneliness like never before.
  • There is a gaping divide in morals between generations.

It may be an uncomfortable reality for us to confront as men, but it is our responsibility to do something about it. Men today, young and old, need a path forward. They need direction. They need a compass to point them to their True North and what it means to be and live as the men God created them to be. BetterMan has been doing that since 2018, with 200,000+ men in 2,000+ churches in every state and over 16 countries. 


BetterMan is unleashing a better manhood into our culture that aligns with God’s timeless design. “BetterMan is the definitive voice surrounding biblical manhood. Biblically rich, theologically sound, and incredibly practical content—we know that having a clear vision of manhood changes everything.” Rather than let culture define manhood, BetterMan activates men to be courageous image-bearers of God. Men were made for a great adventure, and BetterMan invites men to embark on that journey together.

In BetterMan small groups or church groups, men gain insights into the man God called them to be, improve their relationships with family and friends, and live the purpose-filled life every man longs to have. Real manhood is more than making a lot of money, having a big truck, being the top dog, loving sports, or being the loudest in the group. It’s about embracing the model of manhood given to us in God’s Word and following the greatest example of a man, Jesus.

Through BetterMan’s series of group studies, men in communities and churches throughout Central Arkansas and abroad are becoming the men they always wanted to be. What do those weekly group studies look like? They include video teachings and group discussions on what biblical masculinity is and practical ways men can make their marriages, parenting, work life, and relationship with God better. BetterMan is “a ready-to-go, strategic evangelistic outreach [tool] that is free to use and simple to implement.” In fact, you could pause reading this, go to, sign up to lead a group in your church or neighborhood, and have access to all their material within seconds.


Jesus always met people where they were but never left them there. He called people to live differently and live in new life, freedom, and purpose with him. Like Jesus, BetterMan calls men to live differently. The mentor/mentee model of the program allows men to learn from one another and be iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17) as they engage in a life-changing experience to:

  • Articulate what it means to be a man.
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities manhood brings.
  • Relate and connect better with your wife to be the husband she needs.
  • Find greater purpose and success with your work.
  • Spiritually connect deeper with God.
  • Deal with your past so it doesn’t impact your future.

BetterMan is crafted for men and by men. It is for men of all ages, life stages, beliefs, and backgrounds. It isn’t the only tool out there for helping men understand biblical manhood and the vital role men play in shaping flourishing marriages, families, and communities. But what matters more than the actual tool churches use is that churches in our community are addressing the crisis of manhood among their own with action. 

Today, like never before, we need churches in our city dedicated to strengthening families and helping churches grow. The key to that is shaping men who live – not by society’s standards – but by a higher standard. We need men who are called up to God’s standard and called out to be difference-makers in their homes, workplaces, churches, and neighborhoods. 


Imagine the changes we would see in this and future generations if churches took the lead and responded to this crisis using tools like BetterMan to forge men of courage. Imagine how men like these would address the needs and problems in our society. Imagine men like these shaping their culture rather than being shaped by it. Imagine God using them to help all of us experience what we were made for – flourishing. Flourishing marriages. Flourishing families. Flourishing relationships. Flourishing communities.

The good news is we don’t have to imagine this kind of change. We already see it happening in our city and cities across the country and the globe. Men are discovering – many for the first time – what makes a man. With newfound strength and wisdom, they are embarking on that great adventure with God and other men toward something better for them and for all of us.

For more information on BetterMan and how your church can get involved, visit their website.

Chris Loux – Communications Director, CityChurch Network

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