Woodlawn movie still

Could a Movie Be a Catalyst for Revival?

The Summit Church Pastor Bill Elliff recently attended the national pre-release of the upcoming movie Woodlawn. It is based on the powerful true story of how love and unity overcame hate and division in early 1970s Birmingham, Alabama.

A growing number of pastors believe God could use it in a powerful way in our community.

A significant number of students who have seen the movie in pre-screenings have turned to Christ.

It is possible when God’s people are crying out in unity that God in His sovereign grace would bring revival to his people and spiritual awakening in our land and community.

CLICK HERE to watch the Movie Trailer.

Two Special Screening Opportunities for Pastors

  1. Pastors attending the Third Thursday Prayer Connection are invited to a limited seat screening immediately following the prayer time from approximately 1:00-3:00 p.m.
  2. A special screening for Central Arkansas Leaders will be held at Immanuel Baptist Church on Monday September 21, at 6:30 p.m.