Are you a parent or a grandparent desiring to invest in your kids’ lives? Teaching them life-long learning. Our team is always looking for the best resources to equip leaders. In this case, this resource is to equip our leaders to train our kids from an early age. After all, they are the next generation of our Church leaders.
6 Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
A pillar of the City Church Network is Prayer. Movements of prayer have always been the catalysts of historic spiritual awakening. Just as the early church set heaven as their example, unceasing prayer is an important part of the vibrancy of our churches.
9 And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.
Nehemiah 4:9
One resource we use for our young children are a series of books written by Missie Kramer Mr. Spickles Learns to Pray – to teach children to pray. These books are for many ages but can be instrumental in children as young as 3. Each book is filled with incredible nuggets of Biblical truth. Answering the questions: how do I pray, how do I learn to love to pray, how do I teach my friends to pray, how do I pray for my lost friends, how do I pray for my city?
It is one of the best resources to begin showing our children how to pray and to pray for more than our personal needs.
Our four year old daughter has had us read and reread this entire set 3 times in the last 2 weeks. She has learned so much. We are beyond grateful for the training she receives through these simple tools that we can read with her.
To purchase the Mr. Spickles Book or Bundle:
To learn more about how we learned about the Author, Missie Kramer, and Women of Prayer United, please read the full story here: