
People together in Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Churches Are Breaking Barriers In Pine Bluff, AR.

Prayer is truly moving in Pine Bluff, many churches are praying and walking the streets of our city calling on God to move mightily… Churches across denominational backgrounds will come together and praise the Lord with worship and prayer. Pastor Travis Creekmore of New Harvest Church of God is doing Worship in the Park on Sunday nights this month. Last Sunday night was the first service with around 100 in attendance and we had three people come to know Jesus Christ. As this movement grows, our Lord is increasing our desire and connection between denominational lines…

Harold Nash

Hope for Racial Healing: An Interview with Pastor Harold Nash

My wife and I have been on this journey of building unity with brothers and sisters of every race since the 1980s. God has helped us to understand His teachings in the word regarding race and has allowed us to grow and apply His teachings in how we live our lives. For us, the gospel of Jesus Christ is first and foremost. If the gospel is first and foremost for us, then how we live toward others who are not the same race as we are will be influenced by the gospel of grace.


