From Dream to Reality

By Jason Ancarrow, Central Arkansas Marriage Initiative Team Leader

It is easy to get caught up with an idea that presents something we can both chase after and attain. Take for instance the “American Dream”. Though we see many different views on what that would actually look like today, some of the same core longings of financial stability, family, and the ability to make a difference remain. 

Scripture presents a different reality that takes us from the pursuit of a “dream” to a GOD given reality. Please understand that I am not diminishing the thoughts and ideals this country was built on. I do however believe that it is important to order our thoughts and make sure we keep the main thing the main thing. Though the “dream” offers the promise of success in this life, I would argue that to know the LORD and walk in HIS ways is paramount to a successful life. As we align our path with HIS then we might begin to see some of our hopes and dreams realized, and maybe even changed. 

In a society that is increasingly becoming more liberal in its thoughts and even theology, the question of “how do we right the ship” is constantly being asked. It is my opinion that in order to tackle large issues, the best place to start is with the smallest unit. In this case, I’m talking about the family. One of the best ways to create lasting change is through ministry to the family, and in particular, highlighting the value of biblical marriage. 

In his article, Living the Dream: Married Americans More Likely to Be Living the American Dream, Samuel J. Abrams highlights a correlation between marriage and our “perceptions of the American Dream.” He says, “For generations, Americans seemingly aspired to marry and have children, whereas today stories about living alone dominate the news…. But what is often overlooked in these stories about solo living are the many Americans who are married and the powerful communal benefits of households who marry and have children.”

He also states that, “Marriage has a real and positive impact on perceptions of the American Dream; 87% of married Americans are optimistic about the Dream, compared to 70% of unmarried, domestic partners.”

It would seem that many of our dreams and aspirations are more inclined to become reality when we honor the LORD and order our lives around HIS ordained way of things. I always find it interesting that GOD’s ways are more than just a list of do’s and don’ts; they are for our ultimate benefit.

If we want more from our lives, let us put GOD first and honor the value of biblical marriage as a paramount pillar of society. Let us seek then, not to attain success by way of a dream, but instead by turning and returning to our first love.

The CAMI Team would love to hear from you! Join us on Thursday, May 18 for our next Marriage Champion Gathering. We’re hoping to connect with leaders across our city who see the need to bring help and hope to marriages and families in our communities. We want to start the conversations with you and offer help where you need it! You can email Jason Ancarrow at [email protected] for more information.

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