Monthly Prayer Guide

The CityChurch Network publishes this monthly prayer guide as a helpful tool to promote agreement in prayer among churches and small groups across Arkansas. Please partner with us in prayer for Arkansas by taking time to pray through this prayer guide and apply it to the areas of need in your life and community.

God made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. – Ephesians 1:9-10 

Lord, let this prayer be true of us, our families, and our communities. We approach Your throne with confidence asking…

… That Jesus would be exalted above all. 

  • Draw our families closer together in Jesus. 
  • Make our leadership teams sensitive to your direction.
  • May Jesus be exalted as the head of all our churches.

… That our churches would be united in Jesus.

  • Unite our teams under the leadership of Jesus. 
  • Be glorified by the harmony of our churches.
  • Show us how to align with your heart for our city. 

… That our cities would be united in Jesus. 

  • Make our city a light to the world, a city on a hill. 
  • Unite our leaders in government, business, and education.
  • Bring us into unity with heaven’s unceasing worship.

… That our unity in Jesus would overcome the division in America. 

  • Break down every wrongful barrier that divides us. 
  • Bring us to authentic unity at the foot of the cross. 
  • By your stripes, heal the wounds of our relationships. 

… That You would revive us. 

  • Release a spiritual awakening in our city.
  • Demonstrate your power through the unity of our churches. 
  • Fill us with your Spirit as we declare your word with boldness.

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen! 

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